- Renters! If you know of someone who needs to rent a home in Franktown, CO for about a year starting in late January 2020 or in Centennial, CO for about 9 months starting in September 2020, please send us a message.
- Families to serve from 2 to 12 months, alternating.
- Financial assistance to establish a modest Family Mission Home to be used by the family currently serving. The details on housing are yet to be determined, and interested families may be part of decisions if they become involved in time.
- Home school materials that you would recommend for a 7th grader and a high school junior. These are what we are wanting for our own family next year:
- Spanish textbooks (any level, but especially 1 and 4)
- Math textbooks (pre-Algebra, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus)
- Language Arts: from The Good & The Beautiful curriculum, Level 7 and High School 3. Books from the book list or library.
- Books in Spanish to share. All reading levels are needed, but picture books of literary value are particularly desirable.